Growing up, I liked watching science fiction movies and many of those movies assumed there were,
indeed, beings on other planets. The vast majority pictured those life forms as being in many “un-
human” shapes. Some looked like walking lizards, some like an octopus, most had big eyes and large
heads, and some were even blobs of a jelly-like substance. Most were malevolent creatures bent on our
indeed, beings on other planets. The vast majority pictured those life forms as being in many “un-
human” shapes. Some looked like walking lizards, some like an octopus, most had big eyes and large
heads, and some were even blobs of a jelly-like substance. Most were malevolent creatures bent on our
But it is an interesting question when we consider the possibility of life on other planets. Is there? And if
so, what does it do to our Christians beliefs? Are there other gods of other plants with life? NASA says
there are over 3,200 stars with planets orbiting them. So is there a planet with life in every configuration
like that? Questions, questions, questions.
so, what does it do to our Christians beliefs? Are there other gods of other plants with life? NASA says
there are over 3,200 stars with planets orbiting them. So is there a planet with life in every configuration
like that? Questions, questions, questions.
I believe the answer lies in scripture. The Bible tells us that Jehovah God created, and numbered every
star in the universe. It goes on to say that He is the only God. That answers the question of how many
gods are there if…if…there was life on other planets…right? One God created the universe.
star in the universe. It goes on to say that He is the only God. That answers the question of how many
gods are there if…if…there was life on other planets…right? One God created the universe.
But, did God create life on other planets? I don’t know. No one knows. I don’t believe anyone will ever
know. But I do know this: if God created life on other planets the method of salvation would be the
same. God’s expectations of His other creatures would be the same. All of that because God never
changes. His character never changes, His purpose never changes, and His nature never changes.
So…there would even be Christians on other planets.
know. But I do know this: if God created life on other planets the method of salvation would be the
same. God’s expectations of His other creatures would be the same. All of that because God never
changes. His character never changes, His purpose never changes, and His nature never changes.
So…there would even be Christians on other planets.
It would not affect my beliefs, my faith, nor my relationship with God through the blood of Christ. So
why worry about it? We have enough to do in the here and now on this planet. We are to live to please
the one true God who created everything and sustains all that He created. We are to share the Gospel,
the one true God’s only plan of salvation. Did God populate other planets? Whether or not He did?
More important questions: have you been saved by the blood of Christ and do you live out your
salvation in obedience to the only God?
why worry about it? We have enough to do in the here and now on this planet. We are to live to please
the one true God who created everything and sustains all that He created. We are to share the Gospel,
the one true God’s only plan of salvation. Did God populate other planets? Whether or not He did?
More important questions: have you been saved by the blood of Christ and do you live out your
salvation in obedience to the only God?
Say good things about your Savior