A well-known lady on a cable television broadcast openly mocked the new Speaker of the House
because of his Christianity. She spoke about how dangerous he is and referred to him as a “Christian
nationalist” (there is that scary word again; that wild-eyed zealot that will run roughshod over people’s
lives and force Christianity on the nation). A late-night host even compared the new Speaker to the
gunman who murdered 18 people in Maine, saying that because the Speaker said that God spoke to him
(through the scriptures) he was not any different from the madman who said he heard voices and that’s
why he killed. He literally compared Christianity to insanity.
I never thought I would see a day when Christianity was viciously maligned in public by supposedly
knowledgeable and respected people…and even presented as dangerous to the future of this country.
Yet here we are. That type of rhetoric unfairly, and purposefully, presents the wrong picture of a
Christian’s desires for America. They knowingly misrepresent our beliefs and intentions, always
presenting us to be angry and hateful. Why do they do that? Why are the left-wing, liberal politicians
and news outlets so afraid of Christianity? It is because darkness hates the light.
“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because
their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear
that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be
seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” (John 3:19-21 NIV)
No, Christians will not set up a theocracy instead of a republic. We won’t force those that believe
otherwise to bow down to Jehovah God or teach Biblical doctrine in public schools. Nor will we “punish”
those with mental illnesses and take away rights from those who believe differently than we do. They
are afraid of Christians because the overwhelming majority of us vote along Conservative party lines.
Our nation thrived under the last conservative administration…no matter the lies that are being told
today. Yes, Christians see things that are an abomination to God and strive to correct (not punish) those
involved. We see abortion as the taking of innocent life. We see homosexuality and all the resulting
LGBTQIA+ lifestyles as abnormal and opposing God’s character and purpose. We don’t glorify
promiscuity or celebrate debauchery. But guess what? There are a lot of non-Christians who feel the
same way. Not all conservative voters are Christians, by any means.
While it does make me a little angry that godless folks mock us…even if for political gain. But God said
He will judge the folks who do that. And I’m confident that He will. I dread it for them and sincerely
hope that they somehow turn to the Lord and away from their darkness of unbelief.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this mountain!
Bro. Tony
because of his Christianity. She spoke about how dangerous he is and referred to him as a “Christian
nationalist” (there is that scary word again; that wild-eyed zealot that will run roughshod over people’s
lives and force Christianity on the nation). A late-night host even compared the new Speaker to the
gunman who murdered 18 people in Maine, saying that because the Speaker said that God spoke to him
(through the scriptures) he was not any different from the madman who said he heard voices and that’s
why he killed. He literally compared Christianity to insanity.
I never thought I would see a day when Christianity was viciously maligned in public by supposedly
knowledgeable and respected people…and even presented as dangerous to the future of this country.
Yet here we are. That type of rhetoric unfairly, and purposefully, presents the wrong picture of a
Christian’s desires for America. They knowingly misrepresent our beliefs and intentions, always
presenting us to be angry and hateful. Why do they do that? Why are the left-wing, liberal politicians
and news outlets so afraid of Christianity? It is because darkness hates the light.
“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because
their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear
that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be
seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” (John 3:19-21 NIV)
No, Christians will not set up a theocracy instead of a republic. We won’t force those that believe
otherwise to bow down to Jehovah God or teach Biblical doctrine in public schools. Nor will we “punish”
those with mental illnesses and take away rights from those who believe differently than we do. They
are afraid of Christians because the overwhelming majority of us vote along Conservative party lines.
Our nation thrived under the last conservative administration…no matter the lies that are being told
today. Yes, Christians see things that are an abomination to God and strive to correct (not punish) those
involved. We see abortion as the taking of innocent life. We see homosexuality and all the resulting
LGBTQIA+ lifestyles as abnormal and opposing God’s character and purpose. We don’t glorify
promiscuity or celebrate debauchery. But guess what? There are a lot of non-Christians who feel the
same way. Not all conservative voters are Christians, by any means.
While it does make me a little angry that godless folks mock us…even if for political gain. But God said
He will judge the folks who do that. And I’m confident that He will. I dread it for them and sincerely
hope that they somehow turn to the Lord and away from their darkness of unbelief.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this mountain!
Bro. Tony