Positive Direction

I’m feeling so very positive about the direction of the church. I know that the Coronavirus epidemic is
not quite over and we still have a ways to go before we are back to “normal”, but all around me I see
positive attitudes and a willingness to work. The recent Church Council yearly planning meeting and the
Sunshiners organizational meeting both went well and showed me that people want to get some
activities up and running. The Nominating Committee has received very encouraging responses for
workers (though we still need some pre-school workers). All-in-all, things are looking up! Thank you for
your enthusiasm.
We are going to have Grace on the Bluff the second Saturday of October, the 8 th . That means we will
need volunteers to prepare and work the event. Also, help get the word out to our community and
begin getting your donations ready. You’ll be hearing more about it, but if you have any questions,
contact Hart Felder.
Our first Sunshiners meeting since Covid, over two years ago, will be October 11 th . I’m really stoked
about this because the fellowship and fun has been sorely missed. Several things have been planned for
the coming year, so mark your calendars. And….you don’t have to be an “official” senior adult to
One other thing that brings joy to me is that we are going to get Women On Mission…and WMU…back
on track. The whole church has suffered somewhat because we weren’t able to have that organization
doing its work. Missions is an important part of what we do. So ladies …be praying about your
participation. Karen Knight is going to head this up for us, so if you have any questions or if you want to
know how to get involved, please contact Karen.
Like I said, it is an exciting time for Church on the Bluff!
Bro. Tony