
A very popular social media site asked its members to name the most over-rated people in history.
There was quite a list, including such notables as Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Christopher Columbus,
Alexander Hamilton, and Marilyn Monroe, to name a few. But one name made the list that kind of
startled me (though I guess it really shouldn’t): Jesus.
Here is what the article said about why Jesus was over-rated: “Yeshua was a small-town preacher who
wanted to make a few reforms in the Jewish faith. After Yeshua dies, Saul of Tarsus creates an entire
religion based on him. No one would have known about Yeshua if it wasn’t for Saul.” It went on to say
“And let's not even forget the Jesus of the Bible who has said some pretty messed up things. For one, he
said you need your mom and dad, and yourself too (Luke:  14:26).”
Can you believe that? A small town preacher? It’s “messed up” that you need your mother and father?
But that is just another way the world attacks our Savior. Over-rated? Hardly. He is, by far, the most
under-rated person in history! He is literally God, dwelling among us in human form. And Saul didn’t
say that, John did. So many others, James, Luke, Matthew, Peter, etc., backed him up and presented
Jesus as the Savior: Born of a virgin, crucified for our sins, raised up from the grave, and glorified now in
One other thing I noticed, that speaks a lot about the mindset of those influenced by our enemy, the
devil, is that neither Muhammed, John Smith, Charles Russell, or any other frauds that began false
religions and cults were mentioned as over-rated. Why? Because Satan doesn’t attack those who help
spread his lies. I look at it like this: if Jesus wasn’t who He claimed to be; if He wasn’t the Son of God
and the only hope of this world, Satan wouldn’t be concerned with Him at all. But he is, isn’t he? Very,
very concerned. That tells us an awful lot, doesn’t it?
Bro. Tony