Look Forward and Look to God

I was standing in the checkout line at Walmart reading the headlines on some of the magazines. Most of
them were featuring stories on “significant events” in 2024 or “people we lost” in 2024. It seems people
are interested in looking back; and that is a good thing to do. We can find some joyous and meaningful
events that are fond memories. And … we may find some sad or troubling events that we endured and
realized it made us stronger.
But how about looking forward? What are your plans for 2025? Do you even have plans for the new
year? I fear a lot of people live what I call a pinball life: they just live life until they hit an obstacle that
forces them to go in another direction. Those obstacles can be positive or negative, but the point is that
there is no plan; no goal.
I realize that even with definite plans, some things happen over which we have no control. But I feel we
can lessen those things by looking forward, making plans, and work toward achieving goals. And the
best way to do that is to seek God’s will and make His will your goal. There are two strong reasons for
doing that.
First, achieving God’s plan for you is what will bring the utmost joy and happiness to your life. Believe it
or not, He does desire that you experience a satisfying and fulfilled life. Therefore His will will not only
glorify Himself, but it will also assure you a peace that passes understanding and a joy most rare.
But think about this: Seeking and doing God’s will for you assures He will come alongside of you,
strengthening you with His power and authority. Think about it. When in the Bible do we have record
of a person seeking, finding, and doing God’s will … and failing? God always came through and He will
come through for you.
Make 2025 a year of seeking God’s will. His word guarantees that when you find it and do it, God’s favor
will fall on you. That would be a fantastic year, wouldn’t it?
Say good things about your Savior.
Bro. Tony