One of the things that amuses me in hospital rooms is the chart that is posted to help patients describe the level of pain
they are experiencing. It consists of several “smiley face” emojis ranging from a slight smile for no pain up to a serious
grimace for severe pain. There are corresponding numbers underneath, but you get the picture: You cannot
scientifically measure pain. Pain is real and it is physical, yet it cannot be measured.
Now think about emotions. Emotions are not physical (though they often affect our physical well-being) yet we are
supposed to, now, affirm everyone’s emotional feelings even if they override physical reality. A man says that he feels
like a woman, therefore he is, indeed, an actual woman and should be treated as such, despite the measurable, physical
evidence. So, I have to ask a question that a man needs to answer when he makes the statement, “I feel like a woman”.
How does a woman feel?
Because feelings cannot be measured there is no way to know how another person, let alone another gender, feels. All a
person can do is imagine how another person/gender feels. Imagine. So a male must truthfully say that he feels like he
imagines a female feels. Is it because he wants to dress in frilly dresses and wear makeup? I’ve known many women in
my life that didn’t really care for frilly stuff and makeup, yet they were fully functioning females who got married, bore
children, and lived fulfilling lives as a woman. They felt like women their whole lives because they were actual women.
So how is it that the men, who say they feel like a woman, never feel like a woman who doesn’t like makeup and
It boils down to a male’s perverted desire to wear makeup and dresses. It was called “cross-dressing” for the greater
part of history and rightfully designated as a mental or emotional disorder. There is currently an uproar about a beer
company endorsing a young man’s delusion about being a girl. I went to a social media outlet he uses and watched a
couple of his videos. I wasn’t mad at him or angry at his antics. I felt sorry for him; it was a pitiful thing to watch. My
heart broke that, instead of trying to help him, a fallen and perverted world was parading his sickness around,
celebrating his delusion, and allowing him to make a fool of himself publicly.
I’ve been told on several occasions to “keep my hateful religious beliefs to myself”. While I certainly believe that God
shows his reality and purpose through nature, you don’t have to be a Christian to know that “gender fluidity” and
“numerous genders” are not physically, naturally, or measurably real. Only a delusional and, yes in many cases, evil
mind will accept and promote such nonsense.
Embrace God’s design of His creation and pray for the poor, delusional people who are being used as pawns by un-Godly
and selfish individuals, organizations, and companies.
Say good things about your Savior and about His church here on the Bluff.
they are experiencing. It consists of several “smiley face” emojis ranging from a slight smile for no pain up to a serious
grimace for severe pain. There are corresponding numbers underneath, but you get the picture: You cannot
scientifically measure pain. Pain is real and it is physical, yet it cannot be measured.
Now think about emotions. Emotions are not physical (though they often affect our physical well-being) yet we are
supposed to, now, affirm everyone’s emotional feelings even if they override physical reality. A man says that he feels
like a woman, therefore he is, indeed, an actual woman and should be treated as such, despite the measurable, physical
evidence. So, I have to ask a question that a man needs to answer when he makes the statement, “I feel like a woman”.
How does a woman feel?
Because feelings cannot be measured there is no way to know how another person, let alone another gender, feels. All a
person can do is imagine how another person/gender feels. Imagine. So a male must truthfully say that he feels like he
imagines a female feels. Is it because he wants to dress in frilly dresses and wear makeup? I’ve known many women in
my life that didn’t really care for frilly stuff and makeup, yet they were fully functioning females who got married, bore
children, and lived fulfilling lives as a woman. They felt like women their whole lives because they were actual women.
So how is it that the men, who say they feel like a woman, never feel like a woman who doesn’t like makeup and
It boils down to a male’s perverted desire to wear makeup and dresses. It was called “cross-dressing” for the greater
part of history and rightfully designated as a mental or emotional disorder. There is currently an uproar about a beer
company endorsing a young man’s delusion about being a girl. I went to a social media outlet he uses and watched a
couple of his videos. I wasn’t mad at him or angry at his antics. I felt sorry for him; it was a pitiful thing to watch. My
heart broke that, instead of trying to help him, a fallen and perverted world was parading his sickness around,
celebrating his delusion, and allowing him to make a fool of himself publicly.
I’ve been told on several occasions to “keep my hateful religious beliefs to myself”. While I certainly believe that God
shows his reality and purpose through nature, you don’t have to be a Christian to know that “gender fluidity” and
“numerous genders” are not physically, naturally, or measurably real. Only a delusional and, yes in many cases, evil
mind will accept and promote such nonsense.
Embrace God’s design of His creation and pray for the poor, delusional people who are being used as pawns by un-Godly
and selfish individuals, organizations, and companies.
Say good things about your Savior and about His church here on the Bluff.
Bro. Tony