We had a fantastic Vacation Bible School this year. There were so many “unknowns” approaching the week. Family vacations, sports, others church’s VBS, etc. So it’s difficult to predict attendance and to prepare. But God knows who is coming and He knows their individual and family needs and it amazes me how He prepares us for them. Even when things didn’t work out exactly as we planned, God had planned for us.
We had over 25 children enrolled and met several new families. That, in itself, borders on miraculous. We often judge the success of VBS by whether or not we “got” any new families from our effort. That is certainly one thing I look at and I hope and pray every year that we do. It’s a joy to be able to minister to new people. But we must also realized that the main focus of VBS is to teach children the Bible. We did that and we did it well. Our teachers, helpers, rotation leaders and workers did a fantastic job. On the final night, when we saw the tail lights of cars pulling away with those children inside there was a lot of those “unknowns” about our future ministry with them and their families, but there is one very certain “known”: those kids were taught about God, about His love for them through Jesus Christ, and about how to live a life reflective of Him. We were obedient to God, we accomplished our task, and those children are better off for it.
But don’t quit praying that we will, indeed, reach some of those new families and bring them into this sweet fellowship of believers! And if you want to pat yourselves on the back for a job well done….go ahead. You deserve it.
Pray constantly, work hard, and trust God!
Bro. Tony