I’m writing this on my first day back from a wonderful vacation. As with most vacations, I was eager to get back home. Well, “eager” may not be the best word. But I was ready to be home and hang out at the house, too. I needed to cut the grass, check on my bees, and other general activities. I even marked off an item from my “honey-do list”! It was good to be home.
When I used the word “home”, I used it in the sense of the structure in which I live. My house and land. In that sense, home reflects security and familiarity. But a true home is more than that. I can recall at least five different houses in which my maternal grandmother lived in the small town of Leeds. While I don’t not recall a whole lot about her I always enjoyed going to her house…whichever one she was living in. Why? Because she made it a home.
Home doesn’t just mean a house. It is an area, also, and most importantly it is people; family. And that includes church family. When we got back home, we didn’t just get back to our dwelling, we got back to our family. So, yes, I was ready to come home. I was ready to be at church. I was ready to be with all my family!
Bro. Tony