A few days ago a bill was passed in California that outlaws helping people overcome un-wanted homosexual or gender dysphoria desires for adults (it already had one that “protected” children from much-needed therapy). Other states have a similar law in place. What makes this law standout from the rest of the ill-advised laws is wording that prohibits the “advertising and offering of sexual orientation change effort”.
Critics of this law say it will eventually result in the ban of the Bible. Proponents say it will do no such thing. The answer probably lies somewhere between the extremes, but it absolutely will result in the Bible being marginalized even more. Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said that demonizing opposition to gender dysphoria leads to presenting the Bible as a book of hate? This is step two. In the state of California churches and Christians will be prohibited for advertising or offering the Biblical path to help and healing of those troubled souls.
“Oh no,” the liberals hiss “this would only apply to business that charge for their services”. Of course it will. Until an atheist person or group decides to sue and gets it in front of one of the wacky, Bible-hating California judges that seem to love dismantling the Constitution and the right is gives us to live free from government intrusion into our religious beliefs. Then we will see how broadly this law will be applied when it comes to the Bible. It is, you know, the “text book” from which Christian counselors derive their approach to homosexuality and gender dysphoria.
Add to that the “advertising and offering” of that service. If I say from the pulpit that the Bible says those things are wrong and that we “offer” help to those who suffer from them, will I be breaking the law? If my pulpit speech is protected (which I doubt) what about one of our church members “offering” the church’s help to an individual in a park or mall? The ”slippery slope” will quickly become a mudslide.
We Christians need to pray that God will not forsake us and that His strength empower us to stand strong and un-afraid on the solid foundation of the Bible.
Bro. Tony