Sometimes we see Winter as just a cold, dreary time we have to endure until Spring makes its glorious appearance. I, too, look forward to Springtime but I think we should also take time to look at the beauty of Winter and understand that it is a vital part of God’s wonderful plan. An atheist once said: “There is no purpose for winter unless you believe in God and if that is so, ask Him”. That’s a very backward way to look at it, for if you look at what happens in Winter it will encourage you to see God’s handiwork.
Winter is a time when all of nature takes a needed break. Trees and plants go into dormancy, recharging and preparing for a bountiful spring. Without a certain amount of freezing temperatures, fruit trees will not produce a good quantity and quality of fruit. Flowering trees will not be as vibrant without a season of cold weather. Oaks, maples, and poplars wouldn’t have as many or as large leaves to shade the forest grounds that produce other plants. Cold temperatures even decrease the presence of certain insects and pests that would make otherwise pleasant times outside in the spring somewhat miserable.
Winters differ in areas, and that is a good thing. Yes, a winter in Hawaii will be more pleasant to humans but try growing apples there. A certain variety will grow, but they are much smaller and arguably not as tasty or diverse. You want good apples? Try Washington state or Tennessee. On the other hand, I wouldn’t try a pineapple farm in Minnesota.
Cold weather isn’t comfortable but at the same time we look forward to hot chocolate while sitting by a fireplace or having a steaming bowl of soup or chili on a cold winter’s night. It’s all good. God knew what He was doing when he formed the seasons and if we take the time to enjoy the gray landscapes and chilly weather while God does His work through nature, we can appreciate His magnificent creation even more year around as we see the perfectness of God’s provision for us.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.
Bro. Tony
How about some resolutions for 2019? There is just something about a new year that points to a fresh start. Some, however well intended, often fall by the wayside. For that reason we sometimes find it easier to simply not make any; it removes the pressure. Some, though, are worthy even if difficult: Exercise more, Lose weight, Eat healthy, Quit (insert your bad habit here), Be nicer to people, etc. But how about we set some spiritual goals as our resolutions? Here are a few suggestions.
- Read/study the Bible more. A time of daily devotion will help for that. There are so many devotional resources. Our church provides “Open Windows” and people enjoy the disciple and spiritual wisdom found there. We have several books in our library and we are welcome to use them. Lifeway Christian Store has many to choose from.
- Pray more. The time of daily devotion certainly helps this one but there are so many opportunities in a given day to have quick, yet meaningful times of prayer. Turn the TV off a couple of minutes or take a few minutes during your lunch break. Pray as you drive (but don’t close your eyes for this one). If there is a desire to pray there will be time to pray.
- Be more useful for Christ. Many will say “oh, I’d love to do that, I just don’t know how”. Let me offer a suggestion. I always say that prayer time is also a time to listen to God. So when you pray about a person or situations always close that prayer by asking God how He wants to use you in answering your desire. Then listen. I think you will be surprised how often God shows you how to be useful.
- Love more. By that I mean to learn to show Christ’s love to people who are difficult to love because of their behavior, unbelief, and/or demeanor. Remember that He loves them in their current state and we have to reflect that love. Admittedly that one will take practice and discipline, but it is important.
- Live unashamed of Jesus and by association, the Word of God, the Bible. Never be ashamed to tell people that the reason for the way you live and the way you think is that you live by the Bible as you walk in the footsteps of Jesus; that you follow His teachings and obey His every command.
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