

          Sometimes we see Winter as just a cold, dreary time we have to endure until Spring makes its glorious appearance.  I, too, look forward to Springtime but I think we should also take time to look at the beauty of Winter and understand that it is a vital part of God’s wonderful plan.  An atheist once said: “There is no purpose for winter unless you believe in God and if that is so, ask Him”.  That’s a very backward way to look at it, for if you look at what happens in Winter it will encourage you to see God’s handiwork.


                Winter is a time when all of nature takes a needed break.  Trees and plants go into dormancy, recharging and preparing for a bountiful spring.  Without a certain amount of freezing temperatures, fruit trees will not produce a good quantity and quality of fruit. Flowering trees will not be as vibrant without a season of cold weather. Oaks, maples, and poplars wouldn’t have as many or as large leaves to shade the forest grounds that produce other plants. Cold temperatures even decrease the presence of certain insects and pests that would make otherwise pleasant times outside in the spring somewhat miserable.


                Winters differ in areas, and that is a good thing. Yes, a winter in Hawaii will be more pleasant to humans but try growing apples there. A certain variety will grow, but they are much smaller and arguably not as tasty or diverse. You want good apples? Try Washington state or Tennessee. On the other hand, I wouldn’t try a pineapple farm in Minnesota.


                Cold weather isn’t comfortable but at the same time we look forward to hot chocolate while sitting by a fireplace or having a steaming bowl of soup or chili on a cold winter’s night.  It’s all good.  God knew what He was doing when he formed the seasons and if we take the time to enjoy the gray landscapes and chilly weather while God does His work through nature, we can appreciate His magnificent creation even more year around as we see the perfectness of God’s provision for us.


Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.


Bro. Tony



How about some resolutions for 2019? There is just something about a new year that points to a fresh start. Some, however well intended, often fall by the wayside.  For that reason we sometimes find it easier to simply not make any; it removes the pressure.  Some, though, are worthy even if difficult:  Exercise more, Lose weight, Eat healthy, Quit (insert your bad habit here), Be nicer to people, etc.  But  how about we set some spiritual goals as our resolutions?  Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Read/study the Bible more. A time of daily devotion will help for that.  There are so many devotional resources.  Our church provides “Open Windows” and people enjoy the disciple and spiritual wisdom found there. We have several books in our library and we are welcome to use them.  Lifeway Christian Store has many to choose from.


  1. Pray more. The time of daily devotion certainly helps this one but there are so many opportunities in a given day to have quick, yet meaningful times of prayer. Turn the TV off a couple of minutes or take a few minutes during your lunch break.  Pray as you drive (but don’t close your eyes for this one).  If there is a desire to pray there will be time to pray.


  1. Be more useful for Christ. Many will say “oh, I’d love to do that, I just don’t know how”.  Let me offer a suggestion.  I always say that prayer time is also a time to listen to God.  So when you pray about a person or situations always close that prayer by asking God how He wants to use you in answering your desire.  Then listen.  I think you will be surprised how often God shows you how to be useful.


  1. Love more. By that I mean to learn to show Christ’s love to people who are difficult to love because of their behavior, unbelief, and/or demeanor. Remember that He loves them in their current state and we have to reflect that love.  Admittedly that one will take practice and discipline, but it is important.


  1. Live unashamed of Jesus and by association, the Word of God, the Bible. Never be ashamed to tell people that the reason for the way you live and the way you think is that you live by the Bible as you walk in the footsteps of Jesus; that you follow His teachings and obey His every command.
    And…as you practice and accomplish these things…say good things about your church!
    Bro. Tony


Christmas Greeting

Merry Christmas!  I know that every year we lament the  generic “happy holidays” greeting. We grumble about sales associates that assault us with that somewhat cowardly greeting, as if they are afraid of offending someone who doesn’t believe in or celebrate Christmas. I’ve gotten over it.  They may greet me as they please; I can’t control their actions.  But my reply to those and my greeting to others is and always will be “Merry Christmas”.
Why? Because I truly want each and every person to have a wonderful, joyful, loving Christmas season and especially a Christmas Day. It doesn’t matter if a person is atheist, Jewish, Muslim, a naturalist,  a Wiccan, or even a satanist, I want them to know the joy of Christ and be able to celebrate His birth in the true sense of the event. Not just a time of bright lights, gifts, and family gatherings, but a time of celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world.
You see, the only way we can honesty celebrate the birth of Christ is when it is the culmination of a life lived in the power of Christ. Celebrating Christmas means we are celebrating Jesus birth, yes, but it also means we are celebrating His atoning death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.  It means we are celebrating the forgiveness of our sin and our righteousness before the father because of his spilt blood. It means we are celebrating the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to experience joy in troubled times, happiness in times of struggle, peace in times of conflict, and faith in days of doubt.  We are, in fact celebrating another year lived in the glorious presence of God in our lives. We are celebrating the certainty of an eternal life because our names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life.
So yes, I greet people with”Merry Christmas” because that is what I wish for them; to know and experience Jesus on a daily basis and to know heaven awaits them.  I really feel for them if that makes them mad.
Say good things about your church and about your Savior.
Bro. Tony


Jesus Never Condemned

     A Christian recording artist made headlines when she said she couldn’t approve or disapprove homosexuality because “I’m not God”. She is absolutely right about the last part, she isn’t God. Neither are you or I. That is why God spoke to us through the anointed leaders of Israel, prophets, and writers. We may not be God but we can know the true character for God and His desires for His people. Each and every time homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, homosexual activity is viewed in a bad light and revealed to be sin.
     Many have said that Jesus never condemned homosexual activity. That’s is true. Jesus never condemned a lot of things that common decency and common sense knew were unnatural, harmful, or otherwise unseemly. In fact, He never spoke against any sexual deviance. He didn’t have to; everyone knew there were forbidden….even the heathen and irreligious.
     There is a huge list of things Jesus never specifically condemned. He never vilified rape or incest. He never actually said that it was wrong for a human to think he or she was a horse or goat. They didn’t need a divine edict to tell them those things and we shouldn’t need one today. Common sense and rationality reveals that to us. The Bible certainly backs that up when it tells us to dwell on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8 )
     I’ve also heard it said that “they didn’t know then what we know today”. First, God gave them the things to write and He knew more back then than we will ever know. That sentiment, though, raises a necessary question: what do we know about homosexual behavior or a transsexual mindset now that they didn’t know then? There is certainly no new scientific evidence of either being natural or normal. There is no great medical breakthrough that confirms either as a fixed result of birth; chromosomes or DNA. In short there is nothing new to know about sexual perversions. A dark and un-Godly culture simply wants to affirm their own unseemly lifestyles.                Again, I want to say that we are to view and minister to those people with great love and compassion. But not at the expense of truth. Affirming their problems will not fix their problems but perhaps interaction with a Christian who kindly leads them to a knowledge of the truth can make a difference in their lives.
Say good things about your church and about your Savior.
Bro. Tony


His Birthday

     A humanist website says this about Christmas: “Christmas is a multicultural festival with a long pagan history, and can be celebrated by anyone”. You’ll probably hear stuff like that from unbelievers. They will tell you that “the church” just decided to appropriate a then-current pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice or the Roman celebration of the sun god, Jupiter. Please understand that whether or not Christians decided to have a celebration at a time when heathen celebrations occurred is irrelevant. That doesn’t mean it has a pagan history.
      The first recorded date of celebrating Christmas on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantine. A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December. It was observed to celebrate the birth of Christ; nothing more and certainty nothing less. There were no Christmas trees, partridges in pear trees, sleigh rides or exchanging of gifts. It was a religious mass (celebration) of the birth or Christ. Santa Claus was nowhere in the picture.
     Since that time well-meaning folks have, however misguided, sought to enhance that celebration with certain symbols and events meant to take the celebration to new heights. In doing so the door was opened for the commercialization of Christmas and from there the religious celebration morphed into a frenzied holiday that contains elements that even pagans can embrace. In fact, I believe that the statement from the humanist website should be corrected to say “Christmas is a Christian celebration, many aspects of which several ideologies have appropriated for their own celebrations”.
     Think about this: All of the characteristics that people say are what Christmas is all about…love, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, family…are characteristics that God commands us to have and empowers us, as Christians, to have to a degree that the “world” can never achieve. But, because of what began with the birth of Christ, people can now love their enemies, do good to those that abuse them, and forgive those that wrong them. They can love their neighbors as they love themselves. They can sacrifice for the good of others. All…to a measure the world cannot copy.
     So when people try to secularize Christmas, remind them that it is His day. And because of what happened on that day love, joy, and happiness in their purest forms are available to all.
Say good things about your church and about your Savior. It’s His birthday we are celebrating.
Bro. Tony


Most Wonderful Time

      The most wonderful time of the year. That’s what the Christmas season is, isn’t it? I’ve watched three Hallmark Christmas movies (Yes, I watch some of them. So what?) and so far five couples have fallen in love, two parent/adult child relationships have been healed, a couple of miserly hearts have been softened, and two small town Christmases have been “saved”. You can’t get much more wonderful than that, can you? Here is the thing: I knew it was going to happen. That’s what happens in those movies. I watched the first fifteen minutes of one and turned to Angie and said “She is going to fall in love with that guy, he is going to start getting along with his dad, she will quit her city job, buy that store for sale, and move to the little town. There will be a misunderstanding between them but it will be OK. Oh, and the church bells will ring again”. That’s exactly what happened.
      So why do I watch them? They don’t generally speak much about Jesus or proclaim the real message of that wonderful event that changed the course of history. But those simplistic movies do speak of family values, compassion, forgiveness, and the goodness in people. They do it without pushing an agenda on me, whether it is transgender rights, homosexual marriages, racial stereotypes, sexual promiscuity, or violence. No one is trying too indoctrinate me or tell me that I’m a horrible, bigoted person because of my religious beliefs.
     So, yes, they may be formulaic and simple but they are still better than most of the trash that passes for entertainment. They all have religious carols sung without apology and will generally involve a church choir at some point. They may not point right at Jesus but neither do they take time to deny Him. And I guess in this age of humanism and Christophobia that’s a refreshing thing.
Say good things about your church and about your Savior. It’s His birthday we are celebrating.
Bro. Tony


Our Standards

     There are some things that we just cannot measure. As advanced as the field of medicine is there is not yet a machine that can measure pain. When trying to discern the level of pain a patient is asked to point to one of a series of “smiley faces”. Even if there was such a machine, it could not determine a person’s ability, physically or mentally, to handled levels of pain. If, for instance, there was a measuring tool would a nurse be justified in telling me “Man up, Mr. Barber. The machine says your pain is only measuring a 5. You shouldn’t be curled up in a fetal position and crying”? No. The nurse would manage my personal level of pain.
     My point is that people handle things differently; they process things emotionally different. Yet we too often judge people by our own standards. Instead of judging how some should feel according to how we may or may not have felt in a similar situation (or how we think we would feel) we should try to help them manage their situation. Could there be a time where we try to get that person to recognize that he or she should be handling the situation differently? Of Course. But that will come in the midst of ministry after we know more and understand better. It shouldn’t be our first step/reaction.
     That is not saying that there will not be times when a person’s reaction to a situation is blatantly and obviously wrong (“Mr. Barber, it’s a paper cut. I will not give you morphine.”). But we should always look deeper into a situation before we judge someone’s reaction. That is what compassion does.
Say good things about your Savior and about your church.
Bro. Tony


Are You Prepared?

I enjoy watching college football, especially our in-state teams.  It seems that every week there is an “upset” where teams that were projected to win actually lose.  Sometimes there is even a “major upset” where a team that was suppose to get beat by several touchdowns wins the game.  The reason offered most of the time is that the better team took the other team too lightly. I always thought that was a lousy excuse because after a few plays into the game the players should be able to realized they should play harder.  Right?
              But it finally dawned in my thick skull that it wasn’t that they took them too lightly in the game, it was that they took them too lightly as they practiced!  Because they thought it was going to be an easy game, they didn’t prepare themselves properly; perhaps they didn’t listen to their coaches or pay attention to the instructions. They simply did not prepare themselves for the game and when the game started they paid the price.
              I feel that we Christians do the same thing in our battles with Satan.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are stronger than the devil: “Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world.”  (1 John 4:4).  Then how does he win so many battles? We take him too lightly as we prepare. We are pretty good at looking at the wicked thugs napping in our nation and we have honed our complaining to razor sharpness. But what about in our personal lives? Are we on guard against temptation and sin? Do we recognize the devil in our anger, jealousy, selfishness, and lackadaisical attitude toward spiritual matters?
              We are indeed in a large scale battle for the soul of our nation but there are battles in our own life for which we need to be prepared. Satan may want to corrupt our nation in general, but he wants to hurt and destroy you in particular. Study the word of God.  Bathe your family, friends, and church in prayer. One day in your future will be “game day”.  Are you prepared?
Say good things about you church and about your Savior.
Bro. Tony



What would cause a person to go into a synagogue and kill people merely because they are Jewish or enter a church and kill people because they are black? Is it possible that all the un-civil rhetoric of politicians (from both parties) is seen as green light for violence? Is racism becoming more prevalent and violent? Does gun ownership create a culture of killing?  Those seem to be the talking points when such atrocities occur.
                But let me throw out a talking point that I believe needs our attention more than others: Evil.  Evil has been defined as “profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force”.  The problem is that there is absolutely nothing a government can do to eradicate evil.  Laws can be passed to mitigate the result of evil, but because evil is a supernatural force it can only be overcome by a supernatural force. Make no mistake about it, Jesus is that supernatural force.  The only thing that can destroy evil is the love of Christ.
                Many have repeated the oft told lie that Christianity is a hateful, violent religion. There are, indeed, some religions that deem violence as a necessary tool to destroy other religions, such as the Islamic slaughter of thousands of Christian men, women, and children in Nigeria this year alone.  But true Christianity creates a new person incapable of perpetrating violence because that new person is indwelled with the heart of Jesus.
                Did Jesus hate sin? Absolutely. Does He want people to live moral and righteous lives? Of course. Does He teach us the difference between good and evil? He is the light that dispels the darkness of evil. But He never….not once…remotely suggested that His followers change the world by force. In fact He said that He would give his followers a peace that surpassed the knowledge of the world.
     True Christianity destroys every form of evil be it hatred, racism, or violence.  We don’t need more laws we just need more Jesus. He is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem.
Say good things about you church and about your Savior.
Bro. Tony



       What should the Christian response be to the newest caravan of refugees approaching the U.S. border? It is being billed as a “humanitarian crisis” and I suppose it truly is. In the current heated political arena, however, our first reaction is often one of suspicion. Honestly, our first thoughts should be on compassion; no one should be more compassionate than the body of Christ. If people are hungry we should feed them, if they are sick we should try to get them help.                
       But compassion must be tempered with diligence. Believe it or not people have learned how to take advantage of compassionate people…especially the church.  The Church on the Bluff is a compassionate and generous church.  We have helped members and non-members alike with rent, utilities, food, and gas.  We do not discriminate for any reason be it race, nationality, citizenship status, sexual orientation, or religious standing: if they are in need we try to help. But…we do our best to establish that there is a need. We call the landlord, check with the utilities when possible, refer them to the Green Springs Ministry for food, check with their own church (for those who claim church attendance), and we never…ever…give them cash.  And here is what we discover: many of them are trying to deceive us or have developed a lifestyle of dependency on compassionate people.  We save our resources and effort for those who are truly in need.                
           I say all of that to remind us that diligence is necessary on a large scale, too.  Five-thousand people suddenly deciding to rush our borders just ahead of an important election, knowing the difficulties faced by a previous group,  reeks of political manipulation…at the expense of vulnerable people.  Immigration laws are necessary.  Open borders is not the answer to world hunger or poverty.
          If that huge group gets here you better believe that our Christian organizations will be in their camps helping all we can…while they go through legal channels to enter. Don’t believe the falsehood that defining borders is un-compassionate, neither is it turning our backs on people in need. It is just common sense.
          Let me encourage you to give locally to the Green Springs Food Ministry and to give to our own Benevolence Fund at church.  It will be distributed wisely to people in need.  And when presented with the opportunity to give to reputable Christian organizations to help the people waiting at the border, take advantage of that, too.   Say good things about you church and about your Savior.   Bro. Tony