The Perfect Storm
Bro. Tony
Christian Values Attacked
Don’t be fooled by thinking that those Muslims who migrate here have suddenly abandoned their faith in exchange for the “American Dream”. Nor have those elected to positions of authority and power suddenly ditched their hatred for non-Muslims. So why, then, is Islam given such positive promotion across our country by the cultural elite and liberal colleges? It is plain to me that it is due to willful ignorance brought on by the hatred of Christians. Jesus said it would happen…yet it still caught me by surprise. I never thought I’d see the day where Christians would be told to not only to be quiet about their beliefs but even deny them in order to be a part of our American culture.
Bro. Tony
God’s Plan has God’s Purpose
Now you don’t have to be religious to know that. I’ve known and now know unbelievers who have enough sense to know that there are only two sexes and those sexes are quite different and men cannot get pregnant. But being a believer in Christ and holding true to the word of God, the Bible, we do have the strength to stand up to the absurdities of things that are the result of misguided and yes, sometimes even evil human imaginations. Ephesians 4:14 says that as we become more mature in Christ “We will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming”.
Ask yourself this question: “why, all of a sudden, has the spotlight been shone on a community of people that represent at best .6% of the population?”. That is point six percent. As in 6/10 of one percent! (From what I’ve read that’s probably about the same amount of people who believe they were abducted by aliens). That’s absurd.
Many say it’s because they have been marginalized and even discriminated against. Unfortunately, people with mental problems are often avoided if that’s what you mean my marginalized. It’s unfortunate, but it not a question of hate so much as awkwardness and not knowing what to say or how to act. Discrimination? A man dressed as a woman used to come into the fabric store where Angie worked and purchase fabric. You know what? They sold him fabric. When he left and went out to a fast food place to eat, they sold him burgers. Walmart would sell him a ladies bicycle. He can go into any museum, any theater, any public place that his heart so desires.
“But he can’t go into a ladies restroom! That’s discrimination!”. Nope. Not even close. It’s common sense and a safety precaution. To think that someone with male genitalia should be allowed into a women’s restroom is…absurd. It goes to that last part of Ephesians 4:14 that instructs us to beware of “the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming”.
God has a plan and God has a purpose. The sooner people recognize that the better off we all will be and the closer we will be to harmony, peace and unity.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.
Bro. Tony
The Sin vs The Sinner – Transgenderism
But they are a creation of God and he loves them…just as much as He loves me and you. They need our help and they need to hear the truth….spoken in love.
Bro. Tony
Cults and the Danger
My list isn’t comprehensive because some identify up to 12 characteristics. What I am sharing are the most obvious and easily identified.
- They are birthed by a person who personally receives new revelation from God that drives their doctrine. This leader is infallible. Notable for our era is L. Ron Hubbard (Church of Scientology), Joseph Smith (Mormonism), Muhammad (Islam), Charles Russel (Jehovah’s Witnesses), and others.
- They have a book, or books, that they claim as being equal to or superior to the Bible. The Mormons have the Book of Mormon as well as “The Pearl of Great Price” and “Doctrines and Covenants”. The Muslims, of course have the Quran. The Jehovah’s Witnesses actually have their own version of the Bible called “The New World Translation”.
- They claim that only their particular group will be in heaven (and often their definition of heaven is different because of their “new revelation”). The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that only 144,000 will be in heaven, so that’s fairly exclusionary. We pretty much know the Muslims believe you have to embrace Islam…even if by force. Mormons are a little more flexible. Non-Mormons can’t populate their own planets, but if they are good, decent people they may inhabit a type of “heaven-like” experience on a much lower plane.
- They are not always up front about their beliefs often resulting in somewhat deceptive practices. Mormons don’t just come out and ask you if you want to be god of your own planet or tell you that they have secret places only Mormons can see. Jehovah’s Witnesses will introduce themselves now as a “Christian” religion even though they don’t accept Christ as having deity nor believe in the concept of the Trinity. Scientologists don’t parade around their belief that an alien populated the earth millions of years ago by bringing spaceships loaded with other aliens.
Bro. Tony
Christians and President Trump
Bro. Tony
Sound Theology
Bro. Tony
Hollywood and The HeartBeat Bill
Bro. Tony
Standing on Biblical Truth
Bro. Tony
SBC Convention 2019
Bro. Tony