Christian Speech Isn’t “Hate Speech”!
Bro. Tony
Calvinism vs Free Will
Bro. Tony
Peace – Jesus’ Peace
Peace. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world of peace? If we define peace as the absence of conflict that will never happen, especially in a time of instant communication. A building explodes in Lebanon and we see it almost immediately. People are murdered at a church and we see it within minutes. A man is shot by police officers and we view the actual event. Riots and looting, vicious attacks on peaceful people trying to protect what is theirs…it staggers the imagination. Can there ever be peace? The answer to that question is a resounding “Yes”!
Bro. Tony
Jesus Took Naps – Be Like Jesus
Bro. Tony
Presidential Election – Vote According to The Word of God
- It is no cosmic accident. God created life. He alone should be the arbitrator of life. When we allow humans to determine who should be born and who should die in the womb, we violate the purpose and character of God.
So, there you have it. I, as a Christian, could never vote for any political party that promotes and advocates for abortion, same-sex marriage, the LBGT movement, or racial divide. A leader may go off “half-cocked” sometimes and say dumb stuff occasionally. He may be a braggart and vindictive to his political opponents. He may not be very likable. But as long as his party doesn’t kill babies in the womb, try to destroy the Godly and historic and purpose of marriage, and use race as a means to hold power while destroying true brotherhood I will vote for him. Every time.
Bro. Tony
Only The Bible Teaches True Love
The Bible is the only place a person will find that. It will not be found in a communist manifesto or a socialist handbook. It will not be found in BLM pamphlet. It will not even be found in codified civil law. It can only be found between the covers of God’s word to us; His commandments, directives, and precepts. And make no mistake about it, a person can only live according to the word of God when that person is saved by the grace of God through the blood of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.\
Bro. Tony
Law Enforcement and Christianity
Are there “bad” law enforcement officers? Ofcourse there are….and we should do our best to ensure that they receive punishment for wrongdoing as any other citizen would. Not everyone is cut out to do that job, but I have had the honor of knowing several law enforcement officers over the years of pastoring churches. Each and every one was kind-hearted, diligent, and truly wanted to help others by doing their job and doing it well. Theirs is a dangerous profession (as seen by the murder of one of our own, Nic O’Rear). The few un-fit officers shouldn’t reflect on the thousands of good, honest, and brave men and women who protect all of us on a regular basis. They are deserving of honor and respect. Thank God for those who serve and pray for their safety daily.
Loving the Unlovable
Corporate Worship and Covid
Bro. Tony
Slow Return to “Normal” – Covid Impact
Bro. Tony