10 Commandments
them from a “civilized mindset” it seems like such a no-brainer. Love God, don’t kill or steal…what’s so great
about that? Isn’t that just common sense? Well…no. Not then.
Do you have a Biblical worldview? Our worldview has been defined as: A comprehensive framework of beliefs that helps us to interpret what we see and experience and also gives us direction in the choices that we make as we live out our days”. A Biblical worldview, then, would use the Bible as that “comprehensive framework of beliefs”.
Walking Distance
Walking distance. What does that mean, exactly? I saw an advertisement for a condo in Gulf Shores that claimed it was within “walking distance” to the beach. After studying the photos, it looked like the condo was about a quarter of a mile from the beach…across a busy road. “Walking distance” varies according to a persons age, stamina, and strength. In other words, your walking distance may not be my walking distance!
That’s understandable. However, our culture….our society….tries to do the same thing with “truth”. I’ve heard it said much too often that someone should live out “their truth” as if their truth can be different than my truth. Truth doesn’t work like that. Truth has definition and boundaries. Truth is fact and fact doesn’t change according to the whims of a fallen world.
That is one of the main reason people have such disdain for the Bible. The Bible reveals truth. The hard core, unchanging truth of God’s character and purpose. It reveals right and wrong, good and bad, darkness and light. It is the same truth for all ages of history. If every generation could simply re-write the Bible according to current thought and desires, it would be totally worthless.
The Word of God is unchanging. It reveals actual unchanging truth. My feelings about it do not matter and your feelings do not matter. In fact, we are to change the way we feel about things to mirror God’s truth. Not the other way around. That’s the way it works and that is why we are forbidden to use the Bible in public discourse and decision making: it tells us the truth and the last thing a wayward nation wants to hear is the truth.
Bro. Tony
the Spirit of Christmas
I would be dishonest if I said I didn’t like the Christmas season. That is, after Thanksgiving, of course. I like the festive atmosphere and the lights and garland. I enjoy the music and songs. I love the family time most of all. Yes, the secularization of Christmas to the extent of removing Jesus from it is extremely bothersome. But for Christians, Jesus will never be removed from the celebration of His birth. He is, and always will be, the “Reason for the Season”.
I do get kind of upset when all the Christmas shows and movies speak of the “spirit of Christmas”. They do get it right…but for the wrong reason. They’ll say the spirit of Christmas is love and that is true….the love of God. They will say it is giving and that is true….God gave us His Son. John 3:16 sums it up nicely: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…”. That is the true spirit of Christmas.
We also, though, are presented with the opportunity to actually promote Jesus as the world pushes back or ignores Him. Our response to someone wishing us “happy holidays” should be a resounding “Merry Christmas”. They understand what we are saying. Yard and home decorations can point to Jesus. Car magnets and Christmas wear can bear witness to the birth of our Savior. In all actuality we can speak and testify of Jesus in this season more than any time of the year. Be on the lookout to take advantage of all the occasions we have to celebrate the birth of a King!
Bro. Tony
God’s Will is the ONLY Will that Counts
Bro. Tony
Was Jesus a Socialist?
Bro. Tony
Christian, are you ready for persecution?
And there is the double whammy of actually voting for a party whose platform most aligned with those beliefs. That would mean you voted for Donald Trump and you are, by default, a racist, homophobic, misogynist, hater of all things “progressive” and your voice should not be heard. The media has coined a phrase and is identifying you as a “Christian nationalist” and a danger to a free country.
Bro. Tony
What is “Conversion Therapy”? The church must pray!
Bro. Tony
A Naked Nation
Bro. Tony