God’s word doesn’t need to change

I heard a young lady say that the Bible is outdated and useless because it was written by old men
thousands of years ago. The thought was that, as people change and knowledge increases, the Bible
should keep up. My question to someone who thinks that is “what knowledge do we have today that
calls for a change in the Bible?”.


God’s word doesn’t need to change

I heard a young lady say that the Bible is outdated and useless because it was written by old men
thousands of years ago. The thought was that, as people change and knowledge increases, the Bible
should keep up. My question to someone who thinks that is “what knowledge do we have today that
calls for a change in the Bible?”.



There was a lot of noise recently when some parents demanded that a certain book be removed from
the required reading list of an eighth-grade class at school. The book contained nudity, obscenity, and
controversial sexuality.


Hate Speech?

I’ve often stated that the idea and culture of so-called “hate speech” would become a tool for silencing
Christian voices in the public sphere.  Our nation has been the champion of free speech since its
inception, yet the movement of defining certain beliefs as hate speech threatens that precious
freedom.  And there is no group as affected as the Christian community. 


Hate Speech?

I’ve often stated that the idea and culture of so-called “hate speech” would become a tool for silencing
Christian voices in the public sphere.  Our nation has been the champion of free speech since its
inception, yet the movement of defining certain beliefs as hate speech threatens that precious
freedom.  And there is no group as affected as the Christian community. 


Choose the right course!

Most of you know that my personal vehicle is a 2008 Jeep Wrangler. It has a six-cylinder engine and an
automatic transmission. I lifted it 2 1/2 inches and installed oversized tires. It’s my first “big boy toy”
and I enjoy it tremendously. Suppose that a brand new, mid-engine Corvette pulled up beside me and I
challenged him to a race. Would I be crazy for doing that?


Steal from a church?

As you well know our church was burglarized in the dark hours of August 5th or 6th. The first thing I
want to do is assure each of you that no personal information was taken. I erroneously said that our
main church computer was taken, but that was proven to be wrong. The computer, and all personal or
private information, is safe. The church safe was stolen, but it had very little cash in it and I’m sure the
thief/thieves were sorely disappointed when and if they got it open.


Christian Nationalism

Have you heard the term “Christian Nationalism”? If you haven’t, I believe you will be hearing it
soon…and often…in the news when conservative politics are discussed. It has become a way to point to
any conservative political thought and movement as an inherently dangerous thing. Are you a
Christian? Do you vote for conservative principles? If so, you will be marginalized and discredited as
one of those horrible Christian Nationalists. People will be told that you, and your principles, are a
threat to democracy.
What is Christian Nationalism?


Time is short

I heard it said many times that “gun violence” is a huge problem in our nation. Of course, people
shooting other people is a daily occurrence, even in our own area; almost to the point of it not even
being considered news worthy any more…unless someone is killed. This article is not about gun control,


Ice Milk

When I was growing up our family didn’t eat ice cream. On occasion we did get some “ice milk”. Ice
milk looked like ice cream and came in containers like ice cream, but it was, in fact, not ice cream. It was
made with much less butter fat and was much cheaper. That’s why we got it: it was cheaper.