Women in the Church

One of the more prominent issues coming up at the annual Southern Baptist Convention in June is the question
of whether or not a woman can be Biblically granted the role of pastor.  To understand that question better, we
must define some words and talk about responsibilities.  We must also remember the organization of the
Christian church today is much different in many ways than in its infancy.


What has Christianity contributed to Western Civilization?

What has Christianity contributed to Western Civilization? I ask that because I heard a young college
student say that the world would be better off if not for Christianity. He said that Christianity was
responsible for many wars, genocides, and human misery. This “educated” person spoke of Christianity
putting down women and encouraging racism. I do not know which professors taught such outright lies
and obvious misinformation, but that person shouldn’t be in a place of responsibility in any college or


Southern Baptist Convention

Few people outside of the denomination understand how a Southern Baptist church operates. Most
think that we are under the authority of the Southern Baptist Convention. We are not.


Worship Flags

I saw something new in a worship service (at least it was new to me): worship flags. There were a
couple of young ladies on the stage with the worship leader and they were waving large flags. Picture
the color guard in a high school band. I looked it up online and was surprised to see a lot of companies
selling “worship and praise” flags.


Free Exercise thereof

The headline for a news story said this: “Attacks against churches doubled in 2023, report warns:
‘Growing disdain for Christianity’”.


Free Exercise thereof

The headline for a news story said this: “Attacks against churches doubled in 2023, report warns:
‘Growing disdain for Christianity’”.



Defining written history as telling or retelling actual events from the past, it’s interesting to note that
written history is approximately 5,000 years old. That is, we have only about 5,000 years of humans
telling of things that they know happened.


Alabama Gambling

You’ve probably heard by now that a gambling bill has been introduced in our state legislature yet again.
There is a slightly different approach to this one as it’s what I call a “bait and switch” bill.



According to various websites, there are between 20 to 170 “genders”. People rightfully ask what the
difference is between gender and sex. My definition in simple terms is that sex is what you are, and
gender is what you think you are.



According to various websites, there are between 20 to 170 “genders”. People rightfully ask what the
difference is between gender and sex. My definition in simple terms is that sex is what you are, and
gender is what you think you are.