Reformed Baptist

I read an interesting article about what are called “Reformed Baptist” churches. Those are Baptist
churches who embrace Calvinism or “reformed theology”. As they preach and teach Calvinism, they
publicly tout their theology. There church sign, website, and printed material will tell you they are
Reformed Baptists. I looked them up online and discovered that in the Alabama association of
Reformed Baptist churches there are 38 member churches. That’s not a lot.


Facebook Page

I follow a Facebook page called “The Holy Nope”. A man posts videos from church/revivals/conferences
that are almost unbelievable. Some are just so silly that I laugh at the absurdity of the preaching. Most,
however, contain serious fallacies up to, and including, outright heresy.



Scholars say that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible over 3,400 years ago. One website claims
that the first written document we have is about 3,500 years old. That website, and others I visited,
never mentioned the Bible as an important part of written history.


Freedom of the Lord Jesus Christ

There was a busy group of Jewish Christians that taught that after you were saved, Jew and Gentile, all
Jewish laws and festivals had to be kept in order to be saved. These were referred to as Judaizers. They
often followed Paul to churches he had established and, after he left, proclaimed their beliefs. It caused
quite a stir and a lot of confusion.


The Chosen

We are currently watching “The Chosen” on Sunday night at 6:00 and are in season three. It is an
interesting program. I, and many others, have been asked if the show is accurate in its portrayal of the
Gospels. The answer is yes…and no.


Discipline and accountability

There are two things that I believe are necessary for a civilized culture: Discipline and accountability.
Both of these things are achieved by “rules”. The Cambridge Dictionary defines “rules” as “an accepted
principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are
allowed or are not allowed to do.” So, we see rules as a particularly good thing.



I read an article that stated several reasons why a person should not vote for a certain candidate for
president. I disagreed with all of them except one. The article claimed the candidate was an
“Islamophobe”. I would hope so. The fact is, we should all be Islamophobic. As freedom-loving citizens,
we should be concerned with the lack of freedom and liberty afforded by Islamic beliefs and practices.
However, my personal Islamophobia is Spiritual. The first thing that stood out in their doctrine is that
the message was supposedly delivered to Muhammad by an angel (the same goes for Mormon


Grace on the Bluff

We are just a month away from our annual “Grace on the Bluff”. It relies on your donation of unwanted
items. I hope you have been setting things aside. Please stay tuned for the dates we will be receiving
donations. And please note we will not be taking furniture this year. There is always a lot left over and
many times the items just too heavy and it is not easy to arrange pickup/delivery.


Bad Faith

There is a “documentary” entitled “Bad Faith” that purports to show the nation, during this voting year,
that Christians are striving to make America a Christianity-ruled government rather than a democracy. If
you believe what that piece of propaganda says, you will see Christian voters as the most dangerous
group of people that this nation has ever seen. They are honestly claiming that. They’ve coined the
phrase “Christian Nationalism” and show the dangers of a theocracy, claiming that is what the average
Christian desires for our government.


Freedom of Religion

“Freedom of religion” is a phrase that summarizes part of the first amendment to the Constitution. It
says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof… Sounds great, doesn’t it. From recent rulings and actions taken by the government, however,
it seems that the part that says, “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” seems to be relegated to just
“going to church”. That is, the government can’t stop you from going to church services.