“Ain’t God good?”
“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every
inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis 6:5 NIV).
So often, we look around us and see wickedness; absolute wickedness. It seems that everywhere we
look we see depravity in all of its ugly forms.
“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every
inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis 6:5 NIV).
So often, we look around us and see wickedness; absolute wickedness. It seems that everywhere we
look we see depravity in all of its ugly forms.
True religion
In the book of Acts, Paul visits Athens and notices that there are altars built for so many different gods.
He then finds an alter to the “unknown god”. He took the occasion to teach about the one, true God.
“Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way
you are very religious.” Acts 17:22 NIV. In the KJV, however, the word “religious” is translated as
He then finds an alter to the “unknown god”. He took the occasion to teach about the one, true God.
“Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way
you are very religious.” Acts 17:22 NIV. In the KJV, however, the word “religious” is translated as
The Truth
A few years ago a neighbor asked me to testify to what I had seen them doing on property adjoining mine. I agreed and went to the courthouse in Bessemer. While waiting outside in the hallway a young lady asked me whose side I was on. I told her that I wasn’t on anybody’s side. I was just going to tell the truth and that truth doesn’t take sides. Truth doesn’t take sides, does it? Truth is what it is. Truth doesn’t change. A dictionary defines truth as “the reality of a situation”.
I often use a rather simple definition of sin: Anything that violates the character and purpose of God. I
think that sums up sin pretty well. The necessary corollary to that is this: We can only know the
character and purpose of God through His revelation of Himself to us through the Bible. The Bible
shows us that God is higher, nobler, and different than mankind and we are to aspire to grow in grace
and knowledge of Him; to become more like Him.
think that sums up sin pretty well. The necessary corollary to that is this: We can only know the
character and purpose of God through His revelation of Himself to us through the Bible. The Bible
shows us that God is higher, nobler, and different than mankind and we are to aspire to grow in grace
and knowledge of Him; to become more like Him.
He is still on His throne,
Is America a Christian nation? That’s an easy question to answer: yes and no. Yes, there is no doubt
that the Pilgrims came over to the New World to escape persecution from the state-run religion of
England. If you read the charters of the newly formed states you will find, not only references to God,
but also to Christianity.
that the Pilgrims came over to the New World to escape persecution from the state-run religion of
England. If you read the charters of the newly formed states you will find, not only references to God,
but also to Christianity.
Positive Direction
I’m feeling so very positive about the direction of the church. I know that the Coronavirus epidemic is
not quite over and we still have a ways to go before we are back to “normal”, but all around me I see
positive attitudes and a willingness to work. The recent Church Council yearly planning meeting and the
Sunshiners organizational meeting both went well and showed me that people want to get some
activities up and running. The Nominating Committee has received very encouraging responses for
workers (though we still need some pre-school workers). All-in-all, things are looking up! Thank you for
your enthusiasm.
not quite over and we still have a ways to go before we are back to “normal”, but all around me I see
positive attitudes and a willingness to work. The recent Church Council yearly planning meeting and the
Sunshiners organizational meeting both went well and showed me that people want to get some
activities up and running. The Nominating Committee has received very encouraging responses for
workers (though we still need some pre-school workers). All-in-all, things are looking up! Thank you for
your enthusiasm.
In the current political division, where do Christians stand? That’s a tough question. It really depends
on where one stands on certain issues. I’m going to divide issues into two broad categories: Moral and
economic (though these categories do overlap at times). Let’s look at a couple of moral issues first.
Abortion, homosexualism, transgenderism, and racism are a few of the issues that divide us. I would say
that none of those things have a place in a Christian heart. The Bible shows none of them to be a part of
God’s character and purpose. To affirm any or all of them does disservice to the true picture of the God
that the Bible reveals.
on where one stands on certain issues. I’m going to divide issues into two broad categories: Moral and
economic (though these categories do overlap at times). Let’s look at a couple of moral issues first.
Abortion, homosexualism, transgenderism, and racism are a few of the issues that divide us. I would say
that none of those things have a place in a Christian heart. The Bible shows none of them to be a part of
God’s character and purpose. To affirm any or all of them does disservice to the true picture of the God
that the Bible reveals.
I saw a lady on the news berating Christians by saying that they shouldn’t try to “force their
views” on people. She was speaking of politics. What exactly does that mean? Is that a valid
argument in the political arena? Should we, as Christians, separate our Christian beliefs, our
conservative morals brought on by our beliefs, or our desire to live out our Christian lifestyles
from the way we vote?
views” on people. She was speaking of politics. What exactly does that mean? Is that a valid
argument in the political arena? Should we, as Christians, separate our Christian beliefs, our
conservative morals brought on by our beliefs, or our desire to live out our Christian lifestyles
from the way we vote?
There is always a lot of talk surrounding legalized gambling in our state. The last “Mega Millions”
jackpot paid out over one billion, four hundred million dollars. That’s quite a lot of money, isn’t it? Prior
to the drawing a couple of reporters interviewed folks from Alabama who drove to Georgia to purchase
tickets because gambling is illegal in Alabama. As is predictable, each one interviewed expressed the
sentiment that we should legalize the lottery in our state. But should we?
jackpot paid out over one billion, four hundred million dollars. That’s quite a lot of money, isn’t it? Prior
to the drawing a couple of reporters interviewed folks from Alabama who drove to Georgia to purchase
tickets because gambling is illegal in Alabama. As is predictable, each one interviewed expressed the
sentiment that we should legalize the lottery in our state. But should we?
I recently mentioned that marriage was now seen strictly as a “mutually beneficial legal contract”. I
suppose that many, if not most, people have always viewed it as just that: A contract. As I mentioned in
that sermon, Jesus said that marriage was a spiritual thing. “…and the two will become one flesh”
(Matthew 19:5). That is spiritual…and that makes a difference!
suppose that many, if not most, people have always viewed it as just that: A contract. As I mentioned in
that sermon, Jesus said that marriage was a spiritual thing. “…and the two will become one flesh”
(Matthew 19:5). That is spiritual…and that makes a difference!