It’s Christmas time again and with that comes the discussion about whether Christians should celebrate
Christmas. I have seen several posts on Facebook and have received a couple of emails from religious
organizations trying to convince people, one way or another, that Christmas is related to pagan
celebrations: No good Christian should take part in it. Let me share my take on that.
I don’t care what other people think about how I celebrate the birth of Christ. “Therefore do not let
anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon
celebration or a Sabbath day.” (Colossians 2:16 NIV). A pope wanted to celebrate the birth of Jesus,
picked a day when there were huge crowds of pilgrims in the Holy Land, albeit not for religious reason,
and began holding a Mass of Christ. Did people begin to incorporate secular decorations and
celebration into the event? They sure did. But…and here is what we should know…they did it to
enhance a glorious celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, not to recognize any pagan beliefs.
Decorated trees and wreaths enhance the joy and happiness of the season, they are not celebrating
foreign gods or wanton feasts.
I believe that even though I have a Christmas tree in my house and wreaths on my windows, God will
accept my worship because there is no evil intent or false worship in my heart. I’m celebrating Jesus.
I’m celebrating the birth of my Savior. It does hurt my heart that our culture has turned this season into
a big shopping spree and money-making opportunity, but that doesn’t affect my worship of God or my
celebration of Christ’s birth.
We don’t allow Santa Claus in our church; he radically represents the secular aspect of the holiday. But
wreaths, huge red flowers, and a tree covered in symbols representing Jesus? Absolutely. Celebrate the
most important birthday in the history of the world…a birth that split time.
Say good things about your Savior and about His church on the bluff.
Christmas. I have seen several posts on Facebook and have received a couple of emails from religious
organizations trying to convince people, one way or another, that Christmas is related to pagan
celebrations: No good Christian should take part in it. Let me share my take on that.
I don’t care what other people think about how I celebrate the birth of Christ. “Therefore do not let
anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon
celebration or a Sabbath day.” (Colossians 2:16 NIV). A pope wanted to celebrate the birth of Jesus,
picked a day when there were huge crowds of pilgrims in the Holy Land, albeit not for religious reason,
and began holding a Mass of Christ. Did people begin to incorporate secular decorations and
celebration into the event? They sure did. But…and here is what we should know…they did it to
enhance a glorious celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, not to recognize any pagan beliefs.
Decorated trees and wreaths enhance the joy and happiness of the season, they are not celebrating
foreign gods or wanton feasts.
I believe that even though I have a Christmas tree in my house and wreaths on my windows, God will
accept my worship because there is no evil intent or false worship in my heart. I’m celebrating Jesus.
I’m celebrating the birth of my Savior. It does hurt my heart that our culture has turned this season into
a big shopping spree and money-making opportunity, but that doesn’t affect my worship of God or my
celebration of Christ’s birth.
We don’t allow Santa Claus in our church; he radically represents the secular aspect of the holiday. But
wreaths, huge red flowers, and a tree covered in symbols representing Jesus? Absolutely. Celebrate the
most important birthday in the history of the world…a birth that split time.
Say good things about your Savior and about His church on the bluff.
Bro. Tony