Scholars say that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible over 3,400 years ago. One website claims
that the first written document we have is about 3,500 years old. That website, and others I visited,
never mentioned the Bible as an important part of written history. Why not? An eyewitness writes it. It
has been studied, dissected, and validated as to the time frame. I cannot begin to think of a writing from
that time period (or any other) that is still held in such high regard and used as a literal manual about
how to live. It is despised by so many; people have died just trying to have a copy of it. Adherents to its
content face ridicule, anger, even the loss of livelihood over their beliefs.
People have been, and are still being, tortured and killed when all they had to do to live is renounce
Christ. All they would have to say is “I renounce Jesus Christ”. But they won’t. Listen, I grew up reading
and enjoying Mark Twain. His books were entertaining and humorous. But if someone told me to
renounce him as a great writer or they would kill me, I’d say so many bad things about him so fast it
would make your head spin. I’d call him a lilly-livered, cross-dressing, woman-hating, hack.
Anything…anything….so I wouldn’t die.
Interesting that the Bible is one of the earliest recorded writings in history yet it is ignored by most
historians. Other writings are revered for their antiquity and dismissed as important to our life.
Thousands of years after it was written, The Bible is still changing lives! It has spoken to every
generation and will continue to do so. Never has there ever been a book so powerful and alive. I think
I’ll continues to read, study, and preach.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on the Bluff.
Bro. Tony
that the first written document we have is about 3,500 years old. That website, and others I visited,
never mentioned the Bible as an important part of written history. Why not? An eyewitness writes it. It
has been studied, dissected, and validated as to the time frame. I cannot begin to think of a writing from
that time period (or any other) that is still held in such high regard and used as a literal manual about
how to live. It is despised by so many; people have died just trying to have a copy of it. Adherents to its
content face ridicule, anger, even the loss of livelihood over their beliefs.
People have been, and are still being, tortured and killed when all they had to do to live is renounce
Christ. All they would have to say is “I renounce Jesus Christ”. But they won’t. Listen, I grew up reading
and enjoying Mark Twain. His books were entertaining and humorous. But if someone told me to
renounce him as a great writer or they would kill me, I’d say so many bad things about him so fast it
would make your head spin. I’d call him a lilly-livered, cross-dressing, woman-hating, hack.
Anything…anything….so I wouldn’t die.
Interesting that the Bible is one of the earliest recorded writings in history yet it is ignored by most
historians. Other writings are revered for their antiquity and dismissed as important to our life.
Thousands of years after it was written, The Bible is still changing lives! It has spoken to every
generation and will continue to do so. Never has there ever been a book so powerful and alive. I think
I’ll continues to read, study, and preach.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on the Bluff.
Bro. Tony