“Ain’t God good?”

“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every
inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis 6:5 NIV).
So often, we look around us and see wickedness; absolute wickedness. It seems that everywhere we
look we see depravity in all of its ugly forms. Pessimism is the order of the day, isn’t it? Surely the world
is quickly getting into the same shape as when God chose to exercise His judgement on the planet. I’m
usually the head cheerleader when it comes to talking about the direction of the world when we
consider abortion, homosexualism, transgenderism, murders…the hearts filled with anger, hatred, and
But, wait. We can quickly fall into a pit of helplessness and despair if we aren’t careful. Let’s remember
that there is a lot of goodness that goes on in the world, too. There are still plenty of good-hearted,
loving people around us. In the midst of the hurricane that wreaked havoc across central Florida, there
are hundreds and hundreds of people physically down there assisting complete strangers in the
recovery. All across our country people are donating supplies and necessities to the people who lost so
much. Shelters were opened to the evacuees and volunteers responded to meet their needs.
The best thing is that no one was turned away, nor did anyone fail to receive help, based on their skin
color, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. The Christian organizations (including our own Birmingham Metro
Baptist Association Disaster Relief teams) didn’t care if someone was gay, lesbian, transgendered, or
non-binary. If someone hurt, help was given. If someone was hungry, food was provided. If anyone had
a need, that need was met.
There is, indeed, a lot of good that goes on in this imperfect world. From countless hours working in a
food bank to a group of kids selling lemonade to help with a schoolmate’s cancer treatment to people
just smiling as they hold a door open for the person coming behind them….goodness is all around us,
So the next time you see a parade of delusional souls flaunting their depravity or a news story about the
umpteenth murder in Birmingham don’t get too discouraged. Think about the fact that somewhere a
man is cutting his neighbors grass because of a sickness. Somewhere there is a line of people donating
blood to help with a shortage. Across town some organization is planting an urban garden for
disadvantaged folks to get fresh vegetables. There is a place with loving staff members assisting ladies
with information and help during their pregnancies. And so much more.
There are good people and good things all around us. So to repeat an often used phrase: “Ain’t God
Say good things about your Savior and about His church.
Bro. Tony