A Changed Heart

I saw a news story about a man who got into an argument with another man over a bet of $25. The
man went home, got a gun, came back, and murdered the man. There are circumstances of which I am
not aware, I’m sure. But the question that struck me was this: Why would someone do that? Why
would someone take a life and, in doing so, ruin his/her own life?
There are a lot of murders in the Birmingham metro area. And when the killings occur someone will
organize a “walk against gun violence” or something like that. Some will do a gun buy-back program to
get guns off the street. So far, those things have proved ineffective in preventing murders.
The underlying causes of murder are varied, but usually include some form of anger, greed, or lust. The
Bible speaks against all three and directly condemns them. In fact the Bible tells us that we should do
away with those desires; choose to think and live differently. I have always said that Jesus is the answer
to every question and the solution to every problem. That holds true here, for sure.
Can you imagine the difference a wave of revival sweeping through a community would make? And yet,
we don’t see a “March for Jesus” or a “Rally for Christ” as a viable solution. Sure, we can take guns out
of the hands of some people, but wouldn’t a changed heart keep those hands from picking up a gun?
Say good things about your Savior.